See . Think . Do

Pathway Based Healthcare Management

Book a free* six-week pilot digital twin project

If you are a key decision maker within an NHS Trust in the UK and need a clinically informed, operational digital twin that provides:

Demand and Capacity At Your Team’s Fingertips

Robust Backlog Clearance, Surge and Mutual Aid Planning


Performance Based Forecasts For Tracking Against 

* Free pilot projects are available in limited quantity, available for the first five contacts only and constrained to a single service within one of your trust’s divisions. 

Clinically Informed & Operationally Relevant

Bespoke and Scalable

Each model is as unique as your trust’s service is. Model any healthcare process, guaranteed.

Clinically Transparent

Every aspect of the model is clinically informed and every number has direct clinical meaning.

Operational Output

Model outputs imply operational action.

Plan for Performance

Plan for guaranteed performance; test for feasibility rapidly.

Forecast by Design

Forward planning and transformational impact assessment is included by design.

Interact Effortlessly

No service operates in isolation; coupling to other services is as easy as discharging is.

† Your trust is entitled to a full refund of any money paid with respect to a particular service or process model which cannot be properly captured to within errors that are tolerable for service planning for the present and upcoming financial year at the time of engagement. Simply put, if we cannot help you properly plan and control your patient pathways; we do not want your money.

Our Mission Is To Model And Provide The Tool To Control Every Patient Pathway Across Our NHS

Join us in our journey to bring an understandable, timely and actionable demand and capacity tool to every level of healthcare within the UK. 

